- LFD301 Einführung in Linux, Open Source Entwicklung und GIT
- LFD401 Developing Applications For Linux
- LFD415 Inside Android: An Intro to Android Internals
- LFD420 Linux Kernel Interna und Entwicklung
- LFD430 Developing Linux Device Drivers
- LFD435 Developing Embedded Linux Device Drivers
- LFD441 Security and the Linux Kernel
- LFD441 Security and the Linux Kernel
- LFD450 Embedded Linux Development
- LFD459 Kubernetes for App Developers
- LFD459 Kubernetes für App Developers
- LFD460 Embedded Linux Platform Development with Yocto Project
- LFS303 Linux für Cloud Techniker
- LFS307 Linux System Administration
- LFS458 Kubernetes Administration
- LFS465 Software Defined Networking mit OpenDaylight