dhcp with KEA

Centralized network management is mandatory for today’s networks. DHCP, the dynamic host configuration protocol, is the standard way to distribute network configuration such as IP addresses, DNS server or routing information. This training course will teach the working of the DHCP protocol in IP networks, how client systems (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, mobile Devices) request DHCP information and how DHCP server can be managed in a stable and secure manner.

The KEA-DHCP is the official successor of ISC-DHCP. Therefore administrators get to know how to migrate their existing ISC-DHCP installisations to KEA DHCP.

Trainer und Dozenten

The trainer Carsten Strotmann works with Linux/Unix and DNS in TCP/IP for over two decades. Since 2003 he is engaged in the training program at Men&Mice, the DNS professionals, and gives trainings all over the world in DNS, DNSSEC, DHCP und IPv6. Carsten works in close cooperation with the developers of DNS software (ISC BIND, NLNetLabs NSD/unbound and Microsoft DNS) and is an active member at RIPE and IETF-DNS.


The course adresses system administrators who are extensively experienced in linux systems. That includes the basics mechanism of linux systems and profound knowledges in the topics of IP networks. If you are not sure to fulfill the required experiences please have a look at the courses linux administration and linux administration network services.



  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  • Concepts of DHCP for networks
  • KEA-DHCP software

  • dynamic pools
  • static host reservations
  • DHCP option (standard and customized)


  • DHCPv6
  • KEA-DHCP IPv6 configuration
  • DHCPv6 präfix-delegation and rapid-commit

options of KEA-DHCP-high-availability

  • Hot-Standby
  • Load-Balancing
  • Separated databases
  • Split and Shared pools
  • Backup-Server (Cold-Standby)

DHCP error description: Best practices and tools

Monitoring and DHCP-Statistic-Tools


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