
Today, git is the revision control system of choice for a great number of developers. Thanks to its decentralized approach, it is scalable from simple first programming experiments up to large distributed projects like the Linux kernel.

The first steps are very easy and require no previous training! But beyond that, things can get rather complex. And if you intend to become acquainted with the multitude of subcommands, add-on tools and options, you will succeed much faster with our training course compared to working on your own.

After our two-day training course you will be familiar with the crucial concepts and commands of the git revision control system and will be able to apply it to your own projects.


Basic knowledge of command-line tools


  • An overview of git
  • Advantages of distributed revision control systems, differences compared to CVS and Subversion
  • git basics: git init, git add, git commit, git log, git diff
  • Internal structure of git repositories
  • GUI tools for git
  • Branches and tags: git branch, git tag
  • Merging changes: git merge, git cherry-pick
  • Working with remote git repositories: git clone, git fetch, git pull, git push
  • Rewriting git history: git rebase
  • Sending and receiving patches: git format-patch, git apply, git am
  • Debugging with git: git bisect
  • Use of git sub-modules: git submodule
  • Organizing cooperation between developers and teams (in Open-Source projects as well as internal projects)
  • git-Hosting: Installing and operating private git-repositories
  • Conversion of existing CVS / SVN-repositories
  • Nuts & bolts, best practices


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