Linux basics

How to use the Linux text terminal (console, shell) securely and effectively

You need the right tools to keep working swiftly and accurately even in difficult situations. The same is true when it comes to Linux. Shell and its commandline-tools provide you with everything needed. This seminar will teach you how to handle these tools correctly.

This is a course for beginners of Linux, as well as learning-by-doing administrators who keep thinking to themselves 'there must be an easier way to get this done'. You'll learn how to avoid common traps, handle shell more effectively and safe time using meaningful settings.

  • ' Where can I find what ' in a Linux system?
  • Hints & hacks for the most important commands
  • Find & install useful tools
  • Evaluate files and processes
  • Access resources on a network

We will explain the meaning of the most important special characters of shell, highlighting how to use these sensibly while making you aware of the dangers.

Participants will learn the basic, automatable operations of processing files and text files, using shell.

While this course is preparing for Linux system administration, even touching on it when it comes to topics like processes and revisions, it is not yet focusing on it! We're offering an introduction into Linux system administration in a seperate course.


This course addresses Linux beginners: ambitious users as well as system administrators and developers. But you should have experience in the usage of Windows, MacOS or Linux PCs. Every now and then we have participants who call themselves "mouse jockey": it's you, we think of ;-)


Introduction to the Usage of Shell Bash

  • usage hints
  • important special characters and their usage
  • abbreviations and configurations
  • processing data streams with pipes and redirections

Working with Files

  • common commands ( cp, mv, ... )
  • editing text files with vim
  • Linux directory structure ( / usr, / var, / home, ... )
  • finding files and solving resource limitation issues ( find, du, df, ... )
  • basic file permissions ( chmod, ... )
  • backup and restore data ( tar, rsync, ... )
  • regular expressions

Configuring the Linux Environment

  • jobs and processes
  • find and install software packages
  • start and stop services
  • automating repeating tasks

Accessing Resources on the Network

  • efficient usage of ssh
  • useful accessibility tools for the network ( netcat, wget, ... )


Wer möchte, reist bis 22 Uhr am Vortag an und nutzt den Abend bereits zum Fachsimpeln am Kamin oder im Park.

An den Kurstagen dann von 9-18 Uhr (mit 2 Kaffee- und 1 Mittagspause) etwa 60% Schulungen und 40% Übungen. Selbstverständlich arbeitet jeder Teilnehmer am von uns gestellten Notebook oft parallel zum Referenten mit.

Anschließend Abendessen und Angebote für Fachsimpeln, Ausflüge uvm. Wir schaffen eine Atmosphäre, in der Fachleute sich ungezwungen austauschen. Wer das nicht will, wird zu nichts gezwungen und findet auch jederzeit Ruhe.

dieser Kurs auf deutsch

Preis und Dauer

3 Tage,
1.130,11 € + 19% MwSt. = 1.344,83 €


Termine und Anmeldung

Es steht noch kein Termin für diesen Kurs fest.

Haben Sie einen Wunschtermin?