Linux administration

You are experienced in the administration of other operating systems and now intend to introduce Linux to your enterprise in a circumspect way? You are already using Linux to a smaller extent but strive after more security than is attainable by self-studies in acceptable terms? This training course will tune you up for the professional deployment of Linux in an enterprise and in very short time, you will achieve an overview of the most important system components.

The change is rewarding: You are investing in your ability to use free (and in most cases free of charge) software!

Trainer und Dozenten

Stefan Hofmann and Ingo Wichmann will accompany you as experienced, LPI certified administrators. There is no "pre-fab training" during our courses: For our tutors, system administration on behalf of the client is daily practice.


The training course is directed at administrators having previous experience with other operating systems. IP addresses and netmasks preferrably should not be a foreign concept to you and you should know what a partition and a file system is.


  • An overview and origins of Open-Source software and Linux
  • Open-Source philosophy and licenses
  • Important shortcuts and shell commands
  • Helping you helping yourself: Documentation on Linux
  • Linux directory structure
  • User administration
  • Filesystem authorizations
  • Process administration
  • Software/Packet management
  • Partitioning, LVM and File systems
  • Boot concept und system services
  • Hardware intergration, Kernel modules
  • Networking basics
  • Secure remote administration with OpenSSH
  • Graphical interface
  • Concept of the X-Window system
  • X in a networked environmet
  • Evaluating and configuring system logs
  • System backup and recovery
  • Debugging techniques
  • Samba - Linux as a file server in heterogenous networks
  • Print server CUPS


Wer möchte, reist bis 22 Uhr am Vortag an und nutzt den Abend bereits zum Fachsimpeln am Kamin oder im Park.

An Kurstagen gibt es bei uns ab 8 Uhr Frühstück.

Unsere Kurse beginnen um 9 Uhr und enden um 18 Uhr.

Neben den kleinen Pausen gibt es eine Stunde Mittagspause mit leckerem, frisch in unserer Küche zubereitetem Essen.

Nach der Schulung anschließend Abendessen und Angebote für Fachsimpeln, Ausflüge uvm. Wir schaffen eine Atmosphäre, in der Fachleute sich ungezwungen austauschen. Wer das nicht will, wird zu nichts gezwungen und findet auch jederzeit Ruhe.