
OTRS::ITSM, the Pink Elephant® - ITIL® conforming IT service management solution opens new dimensions for enhanced effectivity of your IT service management. Based on the comprehensive feature set of the service desk solution OTRS, OTRS::ITSM provides a cross-process view on the present and historical configuration set of all Configuration Items (CIs) saved in the own Configuration Management Database (CMDB) with all their relations to sevices, persons, incidents and other CIs. Thus, OTRS::ITSM fulfills the requirements for transparent transaction processing, fault analysis and active problem prevention.

This training module is based on the platform-specific administrator training for OTRS and enhances it with the specific aspects of the administration of OTRS::ITSM. Based on OTRS, the additional OTRS::ITSM modules will be installed via the packet manager. As an administrator, you will be introduced to the additional configuration options of the CMDB. The goal of this extended training course is to enable you to map the requirements of your IT optimally on the system.

Trainer und Dozenten

The training course will be conducted by Martin Edenhofer, inventor of the OTRS system and founder of OTRS AG.


Recommended prerequisites:

  • OTRS Administrator Training (Unix/Linux or Windows)
  • Basic knowledge of web-based software architectures
  • Good knowledge of best practice standard ITIL


Address of welcome and presentation of agenda

Definition of personal expectations

  • Who is who
  • Training course objective
  • Participant's individual expectations

Introduction to the additional functionalities of OTRS::ITSM

  • Combination layer
  • Type classifications
  • Service/SLA
  • Configuration management database (CMDB)
  • Locations

OTRS::ITSM administration frontend

  • Mapping of services & service level agreements (SLA)
  • Criticality, impact and priorities
  • General catalog

OTRS::ITSM configuration management datenbase (CMDB)

  • Composition and structure of CMDB
  • CI (Configuration item) class definitions & historization
  • Creating CI classes
  • Importing/exporting CIs
  • Modelling relations inside of CMDB
  • Round Table - Questions about the topics covered


Wer möchte, reist bis 22 Uhr am Vortag an und nutzt den Abend bereits zum Fachsimpeln am Kamin oder im Park.

An den Kurstagen dann von 9-18 Uhr (mit 2 Kaffee- und 1 Mittagspause) etwa 60% Schulungen und 40% Übungen. Selbstverständlich arbeitet jeder Teilnehmer am von uns gestellten Notebook oft parallel zum Referenten mit.

Anschließend Abendessen und Angebote für Fachsimpeln, Ausflüge uvm. Wir schaffen eine Atmosphäre, in der Fachleute sich ungezwungen austauschen. Wer das nicht will, wird zu nichts gezwungen und findet auch jederzeit Ruhe.